Faith, Mental Health

The Heart of a Child

Back in late February Josephine decided she wanted to be baptized. It took me by surprise because at the time she was only five and after talking to her, she eluded to the fact that she wanted to do it so she could be like my niece (who she absolutely adores).

Honestly, I was skeptical. I knew the importance of this step and wanted her to fully understand what she was committing to. I spoke with her Baptism teacher and Jacob and I decided to wait another month so she could get the entire class and be in a smaller group. Well, she’s being baptized May 1st. My skepticism was far less important than what God was saying to my daughter’s heart and head.

That simply amazes me. I grew up knowing who God was. But I didn’t quite understand what it meant to commit my life to Him and wasn’t baptized until I was 25. When I look at my 6 year old I’m in awe of her innocence and her desire to make God the head of her life. Does she fully understand? Maybe not completely. But do I fully understand what it means? I’m going with a no. I’m still, as her mother, working some things out with my relationship with God. I’m still trying to manuever my way around my life in Christ.

She’s getting an early start. I know it’s because she was poured into while at Temple Days Daycare. I know it’s because she was poured into during Sis. Nash’s and Sis. Kee’s Sunday school classes,  nursery lessons with her TT, and Children’s Church at Bethlehem Baptist Church. I know it’s because we’ve tried to show her the importance of prayer and living a life pleasing to God. And I believe more than anything it’s to force me to be better.

I keep wanting to say to her, now remember, if you’re going to be baptized, you have to work on that attitude. Or how you talk to folks, or etc. And after I punch myself in the gut with those words, I realize that He’s talking to me.

I’m proud of her. I’m also praying because I know that while the angels in heaven will be rejoicing, the devil will go into over time. But if she keeps that heart for God that she’s developed, she’ll be just fine.

Until next time….

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